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I’m currently in my early 30’s and trying to get pregnant. However we are having a hard time conceiving, would getting a massage regularly possibly help my chance of getting pregnant or maybe even worsen the chances?

0 votes
asked Mar 3, 2014 by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
Dear anonymous,

At this point in time I do not believe there is any medical research  in this area.

What we do know is that Massage increases circulation and lymph flow. Helps digestion. Aids in sleeping and reduces tension etc. Massage just plain old does a body good. Ask any athlete and they will tell you that massage assists in their performance.

So, that being said... It definitely would NOT worsen your chances  and possibly might relieve your anxiety and tension so that you can allow your body to properly function.

please know that I am not a physician and what I have just shared is from my own experiences as a Massage Therapist. Thank you!

Good Luck!

Hermene Anderson, LMT
answered Mar 7, 2014 by Hermene Anderson, LMT (610 points)
0 votes
Yes, there are even patented routines that are used and have good success rates. This is not a difficult subject to find on-line, and finding a professional who specializes in fertility massage may be just a matter of searching. I know one in Erie, Pa where I live.
answered Mar 31, 2014 by Summer R. Payer, LMT (320 points)