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While receiving a Swedish massage the massage therapist used Aromatherapy oils. I have been considering getting an actual Aromatherapy massage soon and am wondering if there really is a difference between an Aromatherapy massage or any other massages. Or is it possible my massage therapist just likes to incorporate oils in all of her massages.

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asked Apr 25, 2014 by anonymous

1 Answer

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Aroma, like music, does have a profound affect on our state of being. Many therapists like to incorporate oils into their massage to enhance the treatment. A Swedish massage is meant for relaxation, an aromatherapy massage is essentially the same with the added essential oils chosen for your individual needs. These oils are generally very expensive, so you can expect a slightly higher fee for the session if aromatherapy is added in. Try it at least once to see if it provides you with the results you are looking for, most people love it. Tammy
answered Apr 30, 2014 by Mrs. Tammy OConnor, RN, CHC, LMT (300 points)