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Is massage therapy a regulated health profession?

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asked May 2, 2014 by anonymous

1 Answer

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In the United States, all but four states have some kind of regulation and/or licensing requirements for massage therapist. Most fall under the same laws as other health care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc.

This means that anyone wanting to work as a massage therapist must attend an accredited school that offers what the state requires and pass a licensing exam regulated by the state, or in some cases offered by a professional organization approved by the state's regulatory board. They are also held to the same standards regarding professionalism, confidentiality and ethical behavior.

Each state has its own requirements, some allow for as few as 250 hours of education for certifcation, while others require 1000 hours. Most states, and professional accrediting organizations also require additional continuing education hours to maintain or renew licenses or maintain professional membership.

Massage therapist are required not only to learn various massage techniques and body-working modalities, but also have many hours in anatomy and physiology, neurology, pathology, kinesiology and more depending on the school and the licensing requirements. Additionally, most massage schools often offer clinics open to the public, where senior students and recent graduates can practice. By the time a student graduates and become licensed, they have most likley already worked on more than 100 clients.
answered May 6, 2014 by Ms. Linda Fehrs, LMT (790 points)