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Do most insurance companies cover massage?

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asked May 20, 2014 by anonymous
Yes and no depending on your condition. If the massage is workers compensation due to injury or a car-related accident, then in the State of Michigan, insurance can be available. The amount of coverage is dependent on your insurance company. Furthermore, each company may provide unlimited or limited massage therapy sessions due to subluxations in your spinal column, for instance, many chiropractors will bill and receive payment for massage when an adjustment is included with an insurance benefit package. Where I work, the insurance biller will look up your insurance benefits and coverage; however, this may not be the norm for each subcontracted massage therapist.

1 Answer

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Insurance coverage for massage therapy varies greatly from company to company. It also varies from state to state, so a company covering massage in Washington State (where it is mandated to be covered) may not cover it in New York. It also depends on why you are getting massage. Massage may be covered if you have a claim in for worker's compensation becasue of an injury. It can also be covered by your automobiles insurance if you are in an accident and a doctor recommends massage therapy as a part of your recovery program.

WIth the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, massage therapy may be included in some programs.

In short, there is no definitieve yes or no answer. You must contact your insurance company to find out if your insurance plan covers massage therapy.
answered Jun 10, 2014 by Ms. Linda Fehrs, LMT (790 points)