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I'm looking to plan a bachelorette party and was thinking about scheduling massages for everyone. We plan on drinking, but I heard that you shouldn't drink and have a massage. Is this true?

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asked Jun 27, 2014 by anonymous
It is not safe practice to massage any client under the influence of alcohol for it is a contraindication. Massage involves blood circulation, which in turn will intensify the blood alcohol level. It can become dangerous in certain circumstances. If you are thinking as a party favor, start right away then serve beverages after.

2 Answers

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It is not good before the massage as to a massage speeds up your circulation.  But some places do offer champaign or wine for after the massage.  It also depends on the town too; some town are dry towns and dont allow spas or massage offices to get that permit.
answered Jul 7, 2014 by Ms. Holly Bickerstaffe, lmt (140 points)
It is not advisable to drink before or after a massage, even a short chair massage. The body needs lot of plain water to flush out any toxins that are loosened up during the massage and alcohol or caffeine inhibits this process. Why not plan a bachelorette party around a healthy theme with massage at the center. Serve fruit infused water and healthy snacks and maybe even have mediation and yoga to round out the evening. Your wedding party will feel better and it will take away some of the body's stress! Even "good" stress such as planning, preparing and being in a wedding takes it's toll on the body. Doing positive healthy things to keep it in top performance will be a welcome change from the old traditions of drinking right before the event.
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I know it sounds like alot of fun to have a massage party but I definately would not mix alcohol with massage.  During the massage your blood circulation is increased and that would have a negative effect if alcohol were involved.  Also your ability to feel pressure would be affected and can lead to pain the following day.  If you decide to have a massage party save the alcohol for when your done.
answered Oct 9, 2014 by Colleen Quinn, LMT, NCMT (530 points)