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I have very sensitive feet, if I do not feel comfortable taking off my socks during a massage is that a problem? Should I let the massage therapist know beforehand?

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asked Oct 31, 2014 by anonymous
Yes, It's your hour or more of therapy, you have the right to express your concerns and the therapist should respect your wishes and any concerns that you may have.

4 Answers

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Yes indeed. Booth, the client & the therapist have rights & responsibilities. Therefore, the client has every right to let the therapist know anything that might affect or improve their benefits of the session, & vs.
answered Nov 6, 2014 by Ms. Sandra Lugo-Camacho, LMT-Instructor, Practitioner, B.A. in Physical Educ. (220 points)
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Any Therapist should be fine with you only disrobing as far as your comfort level. I would mention it beforehand in case you're zoned out when they get to your feet and they won't have to disturb that by asking.
answered Nov 6, 2014 by Miss. Shannon Larke Martin, LMT, NMT (140 points)
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You should definately let your therapist know about your feet. And if you are comfortable, explain further about that sensitivity. Is it painful for them to be massaged? Have you had them massage in the past? Are they ticklish? If you decide you would like to try to have them massaged, work with the therapist. They can always go lighter if they are sensitive to pressure. Plantar Fascitis can really be helped with massage if that is part of the sensitivity. Of if they are ticklish, a broader stroke can avoid that. Sometimes more pressure can help. Or even massaging through socks or the sheets. Either way, if you leave your socks on during the session, that is a red flag that you would like that area avoided, the socks become a barrier. But always discuss your concerns with your therapist whatever they may be. Most things are not as uncommon as you might think. Keeping an open line of communication is very important at all times throughout the session to maintain the comfort level of both the client and therapist. Happy massages!
answered Nov 6, 2014 by Mrs. Stacey Ryan, LMT (140 points)
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As a massage therapist I want to know everything that I can that will help me make your massage the best experience possible. So, yes, I would absolutely tell your massage therapist about all of your your preferences and concerns. That way they have the information they need to plan an awesome massage for you.

For instance, in your case, I might offer to give you a nice pair of heated socks that I have for my clients or something like that to move your concern from an "I don't like my feet worked on" to an "I love those warm socks".....
answered Nov 9, 2014 by Joe Lavin, LMP, CPT (140 points)