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Hi, I'm looking for a therapist for my father. He is having sciatic pain. Will massage help him? Thanks!

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asked Nov 3, 2014 by anonymous

2 Answers

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Of course Massage Therapy can help aliviate your father's Sciatic condition. I would highly recommend a Clinical-Sports & Therapeutic Massage Therapist with training & experience in client evaluation, maybe some Cryotherapy, along with some Aromatherapy, Classical-Nature Sounds music; gentle lumbo-sacral decompression + gentle stretching exercises. Then some Myofascial & Cranio-Sacral Techniques, etc.

answered Nov 6, 2014 by Ms. Sandra Lugo-Camacho, LMT-Instructor, Practitioner, B.A. in Physical Educ. (220 points)
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It may or it may not. It depends on the root cause of his sciatica, which can be caused by different things going on inside the body. Sicatica can be stubborn, so you should be realistic about the resutls that can be achieved in one session. He might get lucky - with a very talented therapist it's possible he could achieve significant relief after just one massage. More likely a combination of things would be helpful, including some excercises and/or stretching along with massage. Ice is usually helpful when applied on the low back if it's caused by a spinal condition. Streching and deep tissue massage is going to be more helfpul if it is a nerve imgingement in the deep gluteal muscles including the piriformis.

Visit our website to learn about more benefits of massage and I hope your dad has found or will soon find relief for this painful condition.

answered Dec 11, 2014 by Mr. Daniel Melmed, ma44521 (300 points)