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I am worried about getting an erection during a massage. This prevents me from getting any massages. If this was to happen would it be okay given that nothing is implied with the occurance?

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asked Dec 29, 2014 by anonymous

3 Answers

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Any professional therapist, will just ignore it that's why you are covered,  We don't pay attention to that kind of situation. As long as you don't mention anything, that makes us think that you want something else, then there is no need to worry about it, Good Luck I hope I was able to give you a good answer.
answered Dec 29, 2014 by Lisa Dowers, LMT, RMT (230 points)
0 votes
I agree with the first therapist, Lisa, who answered your question.

But, I know many men who just totally do not go get a massage for this simple reason. It is embarrassing.

The point I would like to make is that Massage is very important to ones overall health and wellbeing. So... to put an end to any embarrassing situations, have a male therapist give you a massage.

Thank you and don't avoid getting a massage either way.

Hermene Anderson, LMT
answered Jan 7, 2015 by Hermene Anderson, LMT (610 points)
0 votes
In my practice the majority of my male clients do not get an erection, however it has happened. Some men don't seem to be aware of it, so I ignore it as well.

Some men apologize or joke about it and I tell them I am neither flattered nor insulted, it is just an involuntary response to being relaxed and feeling good.  I then change the subject or fold the blanket back over the area and start working elsewhere.

I remain calm and in control and this helps the man to not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

Therapists are trained to handle this and other awkward situations!  Don't let this fear keep fromexperiencinga great health benefit!
answered Jan 13, 2015 by Lynne Gavrilis, LMT (140 points)