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what type of massage should a young female ballerina (17) have? She works realy hard during the year and now she is easing back for the break. Thank you!

0 votes
asked Dec 30, 2014 by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
The type of massage would be determined according to her needs. I personally have my clients fill out a health form and then I go over any areas of concern and explain what my massage protocol would be.

Being that your daughter is under the age of 18 you will be required to sit in on the session.

But, basically a nice relaxing Swedish massage would provide her with many benefits.. And if she is new to massage this modality is NOT deep tissue which might be too invasive for her.

I hope this answer is sufficient.

Hermene Anderson, LMt
answered Jan 7, 2015 by Hermene Anderson, LMT (610 points)
0 votes
Which type of massage you choose is highly dependant on what your goal is for the session and your daughter's health history.  Below are a few examples of things that you might be interested in researching further.

Swedish  - most basic type of massage and does more to relax people psychologically than physically although it does effect both.  Usually comprised of less pressure than other methods.

Deep tissue - can be physically uncomfortable as you are working more than just the suferficial muscle layer but it does NOT have to be painful or invasive. Many therapists will tell you its just more pressure but in fact, its less about pressure and more about isolating muscles and manipulating them so that you achieve a desired effect. This tends to be less relaxing psychologically as it requires working with the therapist to achieve a goal however it does tend to be way more effective at rehabilitating injuries (old and new) and reducing physical pain. Part of the reason for this is that stimulates the regulation of more hormones and to a greater extent than swedish AND it far more effective at reducing adhesions and trigger points.

Sports is similiar to deep tissue

Hot stone - Hot stones can be used in many different modalities but most typically is swedish massage with the addition of hot stones.  Some therapists may also used cold stones with the hot.  The benefit of the hot stones is that the addition of heat often helps muscles relax more fully than swedish alone.

Thai ball - one of the best massages for the rest and recover period athletes often go through in preparation for an event.  It is basically the application of steamed herb balls with both swedish massage and some gentle stretching.  What makes this massage great is the anti inflammatory and relaxing properties of the herbs in the thai balls.
answered Jan 28, 2015 by Angela Joplin, LMBT (220 points)
I have worked with ballerina's from Atlanta Ballt, and although I agree with majority of above statements, work at the pubic symphis area is imperative. There is a special draping technique so no private areas are exposed and if this is uncomfortable for her, you should be welcome to be in the therapy room with her.