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Is there a particular massage in the back of the knee for sciatica ,I have disc issues in my back as well

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asked Jan 1, 2015 by anonymous

2 Answers

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First of all, If you truly have been diagnosed by a Dr. as having Sciatica and disc issues, I personally would have you ask your Dr. if he or she would recommend massage in the first place. I also would require you to have a note from your Dr. stating that you are cleared to have massage and sometimes the Dr. will make the therapist aware of what "disc issues" you have.

There are other conditions that can mimic Sciatic pain and right at this point your question can not be answered. Not enough information known. Also, I have not heard of any "back of the knee" massage treatment for Sciatic pain. Other than that ace bandage type of contraption that is advertised on TV that when strapped around the leg it puts pressure on the back of ones calf muscle. Who know if that works?

So... Final answer to your question, check with your Dr. and maybe a Physical Therapist.

good luck!

Hermene Anderson, LMT
answered Jan 7, 2015 by Hermene Anderson, LMT (610 points)
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While it is not recommended to massage the actual back of the knee , there is a trigger point to the outside of the knee that acupuncture may help also just below the pelvic area. As for the As advertised on tv wrap  for sciatica it does fit either leg just below the knee and puts pressure on that specific point if put on correctly , while i personally tried it it seems to help a bit in the beginning but at the end of the day the pain and problem is still there. So that said i would not recommend wasting your money on it.  Get a note from your doc and my recommendation see an accupucturist .
answered Jan 15, 2015 by Ms. Kailonie Wauchop, lmt (140 points)