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Am a new trained massage therapist and need to improve my skills to the best,help me...papaboadu.pb@gmail.com

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asked Jan 24, 2015 by anonymous

2 Answers

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get massages from professional lmts in your area and pay attention to the flow and techniques
answered Feb 19, 2015 by Ms. Sarah (SR) Posadas, LMT (140 points)
0 votes
As a new therapist, in order to not cause future damage to your body, it's imperative for you to, as you help your clients feel better, make a real effort to stay grounded in your legs. Those are where you will get your powerhouse pressure, and I highly recommend buying a DVD that helped me- John Barnes series on (beginning) Myo-fascial Release Therapy. Practice on a friend so u can get a good basic dance (flow) to your regular Swedish massage. Experiment with increasing sensitivity by using your elbows, and when u start to be able to feel adhesions, that's where MFR comes in. I'm certified in levels1-3 of MFR, and studied NMT for 6 months from one of the only certified schools on the east coast and am certified they the prestigious school in Florida. Please email me for further info @: healinghearts511@comcast.net. We can also skype or FaceTime and set a time for me to observe and take some notes. I'm a 13 year vet in the field, and through your question, I feel a kinship with you as I went through the same thing as a new therapist. I apprenticed with several mentors including an Ayurvedic Dr., a traditional Thai Massage practioner who studied at Wat Po Monestary in Thailand. I spent a year mentoring under her, Patricia Kilpatric, and her former business partner, Ko Tan. I'd be honored to help, no charge.


Dana Flax, LMT
answered Feb 26, 2015 by Ms. Dana Flax, LMT, NMT, Thai Massage, YTT200hrs, Yoga Therapy, Deep/Sports Massage (300 points)
Also, the slower u go doing opening Swedish while using a nice lunge to apply a firm pressure down and up clients back, you will get an idea of where tension is and which techniques to apply. For yourself, find a good yoga teacher or video. If interested, please contact me at above email,