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I suffer from constipation and get really bad low down tummy pains the day before my period.

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Also passing a lot of wind when trying to move bowels. Would abdominal massage help?
asked Apr 3, 2013 by anonymous

2 Answers

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YES!  I have found that gentle tummy massage can be very helpful for my clients.  Find a good and caring massage therapist.   A nice warm pack/ moist heat can be helpful too.  Learn abdominal self massage.  I hope this helps.
answered Apr 10, 2013 by Jeannine Jonsson, LMT (140 points)
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Your uterus is most likely displaced. The uterus is a suspended organ and is constantly moving within the pelvis. (This is also true for the prostate). It can rest in a position that can cause problems and discomfprt.  it would be a good idea for you to find a practitioner of Mayan Abdominal Massage to teach you this traditional medicine. It is  a self-care technique. You learn how to do it and you can work on yourself as well as share it with your partner, your children, whoever you choose.  Have a look at this website https://arvigotherapy.com
answered Apr 26, 2013 by Ms. Pamela Berger, CMT (140 points)
When suffering from constipation I feel it is important to look at the nutritional intake that is being practiced .Understanding goes a long way with our health . When it comes to the discomfort, pain and unpredictability of constipation there are some nutritional factors that are important to look at. Most importantly is the proper intake of fiber if you do not eat enough fiber in your diet it is helpful to take it in the powder form 2 to 4 times a day. Fiber is so important to keep the digestive tract moving properly. Understanding that caffeine dehydrates the body especially the intestines and colon in turn  it makes it more  difficult to evacuate the bowl movement due to dryness. Caffeine also causes cramping it constricts the circulatory system.
  An interesting  part of your post is that you are so aware of the constipation more so around your monthly cycle. What is happening as your body is preparing for the cycle is usually there is slight inflammation in the uterus and that can cause some pressure on other organs and constipation can be felt as more painful until eliminated from the body. The MAYO clinic on line offers some very informative articles on digestion and constipation. There a couple of really good articles to also read one is The roots of health correcting inflammatory bowl disorders found on Four Winds Nutrition (google it) and Healthy Elimination at www.halepule.com.
Massage is very helpful but it is not in my opinion a corrective for the issue that at hand.Constipation issues left unresolved  could lead to more serious complications later in life.