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How is massage therapy different from going to a chiropractor or acupuncturist?

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asked Jun 1, 2017 by Rachel
Massage Therapy works on many muscle layers to help release hypertonic  (tightness) areas, we also work on increasing your range of motion so you are able to move more freely. I have worked on clients who have incurred injuries, muscle spasms, stiff necks, etc. Some of my clients do go to a chiropractor for adjustmest of the skeletal structure especially is they have a misalignment of their vertebra in their spine.  I have clients who go to acupuncturist to help them with body detox, lose weight or pain management.  As a medical massage therapist I will incorporate stretches into the clients massage, increase their range of motion, release trigger points (knots), and also work with my client to determine what ergonomics they deal with on a daily basis at home and at the office to help them understand and possible prevent future muscle tightness.

1 Answer

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Treatments are different since with massage therapy only soft tissue is treated. Massage therapist don't use needles like acpuncturist and MTs do not adjust joints like chiropractors. This said we might treat the same symptoms.
answered Jun 9, 2017 by Mrs. Sophia Maamouri, LMT (180 points)