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If I have a lot of pain already from scar tissue and adhesions, how can massage therapy help without excessive pain?

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I have had serious pain in my left calf for almost a year. Doctors thought it was sciatica, but now it appears to be from years of overuse associated with aerobics and spinning (admittedly some showing off!). I have three areas of very high sensitivity (pain from pressure) and several other lumps and knots in my calf muscles. I now believe my problem is scar tissue and adhesions built up over the years of overuse and inadequate stretching. From what I read, massage therapy can help, but I am scared of the pain from the pressure I think will be needed to break up the "bad" tissue. Can you give me any guidance for how to proceed and what to expect? Thank you very much.
asked Jul 12, 2013 by anonymous

2 Answers

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I would suggest Myofascial Release for you, it is so effective in releasing restrictions, holding patterns, scars and trauma. It's also addressing your whole body, which is always involved. Look for a Barnes trained therapist .

Antonia Nelson
answered Aug 7, 2013 by Antonia Nelson (140 points)
0 votes
The first thing you need to do is find out the cause of the lumps and bumps and get a diagnosis from a doctor. It may or may not be scar tissue, but it could also be a sign of something more serious. These need to be ruled out before getting a massage. You do not give your age, which would give a better indication of what it might be. Some serious considerations would be poor blood  circulation or inadequate lymph flow. The possibility of blood clots or even benign masses are also a possibility. In some of these cases any massage would be contraindicated and very dangerous.
answered Oct 22, 2013 by Ms. Linda Fehrs, LMT (790 points)