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From the Institute for Integrative Healthcare

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Hypertension/ High Blood Pressure


Hypertension is simply the technical term for high blood pressure. To be considered high, the systolic pressure must be 140 or higher and/or the diastolic pressure should be 90 or higher. Hypertension can be caused by anxiety or stress, or it may be a secondary symptom of pregnancy, kidney problems, certain types of tumors or hormonal imbalances. Hypertension can be damaging to the circulatory system if left untreated and be one of the main causes of heart attack or stroke.


A person with hypertension can receive a massage, but the massage therapist must proceed with caution and watch for any signs that the massage may be over-challenging the body such as nausea, sudden and severe headache, confusion or seizures. Care should be taken to not overtax the body with massage that would increase circulation, especially if the person is on medication for high blood pressure.

Can be alleviated by:

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