Poor Blood Flow/Circulation
There are many factors affecting blood flow in the body. Diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, anemia, asthma, blocked blood vessels or pregnancy are just a few of the conditions that can cause poor circulation (not to be confused with low blood pressure). Some of the symptoms indicating poor blood circulation include lower leg pain or cramping, loss of sensation or numbness in the hands, feet or toes, change in skin color (cyanosis bluish), cool skin temperature, poor discernment of temperature or pain, varicose veins, sores that don't heal, shortness of breath and lack of stamina. (See also Diabetes, Raynaud's Disease, Hypertension, Hypotension)
Circulatory problems generally respond well to massage therapy, but the cause of poor circulation needs to be determined by a doctor before proceeding. Conditions like phlebitis needs to be ruled out and care needs to be taken with regard to pressure of massage in individuals with diabetes or other conditions which may need special attention.